drag mouse to plant your best spore. hover over to see what things are click buttons when logos are white

Farmer Seth Atwood was past eighty when
He tried to sink that deep well by his door,
With only Eb to help him bore and bore.
We laughed, and hoped he’d soon be sane again.
And yet, instead, young Eb went crazy, too,
So that they shipped him to the county farm.
Seth bricked the well-mouth up as tight as glue—
Then hacked an artery in his gnarled left arm.

After the funeral we felt bound to get
Out to that well and rip the bricks away,
But all we saw were iron hand-holds set
Down a black hole deeper than we could say.
And yet we put the bricks back—for we found
The hole too deep for any line to sound.

Published 23 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
TagsClicker, Farming, fungi, Horror, Incremental, Lovecraftian Horror


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After some tinkering and trial and error with the controls, I figured it out and realized this was an ok idle game to waste some time on. (You hold down left-click to put down spores, that took ten minutes to figure out lol)

I think I understand most of what the upgrades do:

Spreader: Auto-puts down spores.

Purifier: When the spore overflows, it increases the next spore amount you gather.

Enhancer: You gain more from each spore.

Gun?: Zaps the spider. Idk what the spider does, but I think he steals my spore that gets put down. (What's the spiders name?)

The last thing I don't get is why you can unlock upgrades you won't use until the distant future. (i.e. unlocking obirutob upgrades when you start the game).

However, in my opinion, the vagueness of each game adds its charm to each game-- but is still frustrating to figure out at first glance.


I guess I can't say aw shucks without getting folks mad. Is it a swear in some language?
..... Aw heck I can't help myself Aw shucks. 
seriously, thanks for taking the time.


I fed the nice spider thing and at some point it just went away.  


I don't know if it's supposed to work like that, be he was very polite about it, he send chrismas cards every year.

He is a great guy if you give him a chance.

In way of an apology for the "obtuseness" and incomprehensibility of this game, I wrote a straightforward and understandable one.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi hello!

As of writing this, I'm riight at the end of the game.

So, I've read that other person's message saying that upgrades makes no sense, along with everything else in the game, so I was a bit apprehensive.

Thankfully my fears were unanswered, because it seems like you only needed to read the tooltips to understand the game (and also look what upgrades does what, pretty simple really).

Anyways, I'm exited to see how "cursed" this ending will be! (according to some other comment, and the Poem in the description)


(PS : There's also a small problem you might want to fix: some of the last 10-15 Zap upgrades have the wrong colour/price shown compared to the true price (some of the other upgrades might also have this problem))

I will have to look into that.
I think the best thing to do would be to make a function rather than just an expression that I use twice that can be typo-prone.
And to the compliment I only gotta say 

Aw shucks

The comments: What's going on with this game?


aw shucks


this game is one elaborate troll

(1 edit) (+1)

Troll is such a rude word. 
it is a jest, a jape, a lark, a prayer to the old gods as it were.  


This game makes absolutely zero sense. I don't understand what any upgrades do or even what makes me have the ability to unlock them. I also don't understand why I unlock upgrades for things that are so far down the line I wont ever use them. The developer also just replies "aw shucks" to everything instead of having any meaningful response. This "game" is horrible


Not everything is for every one. 


aw shucks


The upgrades seem really mismatched, most of the things you can afford aren't relevant until much later.


I have no idea what is going on. Nothing makes sense, the names are all jumbled. My sanity is slipping away.


aw shucks


Entertaining game. Cursed ending.


aw shucks


Very fun game


Aw shucks



(1 edit) (+4)

What? (see below)


what (you'll know when you get there)

Deleted 22 days ago